Thursday, December 30, 2004

Podcasting for cellphones ..Well Almost

Podcasting is already starting to make some big waves in the iPOD community. Also MS mobile mentions of it being used with MS windows based smart phones. However, due to limitations in memory and bandwidth, it might be a little while before it becomes possible to transmit .mp3 podcasts to cellphones wirelessly without the desktop.

Just a simple thought..Could having some simple client functionality at the wireless device which transforms text RSS feeds to audio (or maybe a set of PPT frames to a video) generate an experience similar to podcasts ? I had talked this previously with Varun and Sunil but guess this will make much more sense now (after the user acceptance of podcasts is really showing some heat) . I am thinking of something similar to which has the functionality to convert text to audio in different pitches.

Normally the feeds available on podcast are also available in text. Thus, another interesting thing could be possibly at the server side try to determine the approximate pitch of the audio file and then send the decibel value with the text RSS feed to the client. In this way the audio convertor at client could possibly try to adjust its voice differently for every different RSS feed, thus possibly creating a similar experience to the original podcast.


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