Now this is what I call ridiculous
Maybe its a big hit, but still the overall concept on which this is based is driving me nuts.
---From MoCoNet News
I like this quote about the upcoming ESPN MVNO: “Given the ESPN name’s ubiquity and popularity, an ESPN phone and wireless service are no-brainers, said Terry Lefton, an editor at the SportsBusiness Journal trade publication. “Given your druthers, what is a brand you’d put on a sports product?” he said. “One would be Nike. The other would be ESPN.”
Now, if they were to innovate by making a phone which was better engineered or had a super superior UI, I would have really appreciated ESPN doing that, but just by looking at this phone it just doesn't seem that way. In order to get a particular content should I buy a ESPN branded phone ?? So does that mean next computer I am going to get it from CNN of NBC instead of IBM or Sony or Dell ..Hell NO !
When will these guys understand its gonna be one device to bind them and one device to rule them all, so instead of coming up with branded phones ESPN should focus on how to reach existing phone users with their content.
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