Monday, August 29, 2005

Who wants to broadcast ?

Who wants to shout in the dark when they know nobody is hearing them? We always joked about my 3 year (now he's 10) cousin who never cried when nobody was around even if he fell from the bed and hurt himself badly, but as soon as he found anyone entering home he would start shouting and crying for the fact that he was hurt 15 minutes back (as if it suddenly started to cause him pain;)).. a 3 year old understands it but maybe most of us don't get it still.

People communicate. They want to and believe me they really do. All they need is someone who can hear them. What's the killer app for web..clearly email as it gave them a medium to do so but they have a guarantee that whatever they are writing is reaching to someone they want to. What about SMS..its directed towards someone and its the most sucessful application on cellphones besides voice (which in itself is communication).

Now what are blogs? Why do people write them? Clearly, it gives them a way to connect to the world. But what if it is simply shouting in the dark.. will people blog? They need audience. A guaranteed audience. Is it that difficult to ensure?


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